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31st March 7pm – 8.30pm Families 4 Families WA Online Zoom meeting

‘Managing holidays at times of stress’

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Managing school holidays, festive seasons or special occasions can be challenging when supporting someone with co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drug issues.

It may be especially challenging now as the move into self-isolation grows and people are estranged (or not!) from other family members and friends.

However, there are proven strategies that F4FWA members use to manage these times. Some require planning. Most require flexibility and a willingness to lower expectations
and let go of what’s not important. These ways take time and attention to learn, particularly if we’re used to being in control and managing situations and people. Particularly good learnings for these times.

This discussion will be lead by Charl Van Wyk, co-occurring specialist, Cyrenian House.

RSVPs essential by text to 0413 861 049 or email [email protected] by 6pm on Tuesday 31st March.
Meeting registration details will be sent on receipt of rsvp.  

(New meeting log-in / dial-in details are required for each meeting)

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