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Tuesday 24th March 7pm – 8.30pm AWST.
Join us by computer / tablet or phone.

It’s simple and we’ll guide you through.

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Join us from home.  Join us in your pj’s.  Have your cuppa ready.

Zoom meetings will take the place of the face-to-face bi-monthly meetings at Lord Street. These won’t be held for the foreseeable future.

RSVPs are ESSENTIAL as we need to send you information about how to join the gathering.
RSVP (or queries) by text to 0413 861 049 or email [email protected] by 6pm on Tuesday.

We will be limiting the numbers for the 24th as this is our first go so please rsvp quickly if you want to join us. 

There’s no topic or presentation. We’ll just be checking in with everyone to see what’s happening and how we can connect and support each other.

We’re excited at this new initiative and looking forward to connecting with you on Zoom.
The Mental Health Matters 2 team

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