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Tuesday 23rd July 7pm Free Presentation: ‘Dietary and Nutritional Support for People with Mental Health Issues’

Guest presenter: Serena Kay (BSc Immunology, Zoology/ DipEd), Naturopath, Homeopath and Herbalist

Serena has faced her own challenges with mental and physical health. This prompted Serena, who worked for seventeen years in the field of Medical Science, to study Naturopathy, qualifying as a Naturopath, Homeopath and Herbalist in 2005. Serena is kindly donating her time to discuss dietary and nutritional support for people with mental health issues, with a focus on Pyroluria: a common condition that can impact mental well-being.

182 Lord Street, Perth. 7pm – 8.30pm
RSVPs essential – by text to 0417583694 or email [email protected]

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