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Family/Carer rights in Treatment, Support & Discharge planning (Mental Health Act 2014)

Tuesday 13th August 2019, 7pm – 8.30pm Free Event
Release of resources followed by panel discussion and Q & A session

Panellists (in alphabetical order) include:

Debora Colvin, Chief Mental Health Advocate, Mental Health Advocacy Service

Ron Deng, family/carer representative

Sarah Cowie, Director, Health & Disability Services Complaints Organisation 

Toni, consumer perspective

Karen Whitney, President, Mental Health Tribunal of WA

Venue:  182 Lord Street, Perth (kindly supported by Helping Minds and Carers WA)

RSVPs essential due to seating limitations –  email to [email protected] or by text to 0413 861 049.

The development of the resources were made possible by a ConnectGroups grant, funded by the Mental Health Commission. 

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